Koh Libre - 100% Natural Coconut Milk (roasted)

introduction: i bought this baby from a gas station, months ago. must have been the summer of 2020. it’s been in my fridge ever since. i’ve been avoiding it systematically, but now its time (along with its expiry date) has come.

taste profile: the thing literally popped open, suggesting a bit of bloat. not a good sign. it does indeed smell like coconut milk and little else. the smell is feint, barely noticeable. maybe this has gone off after all. i take a sip - it’s a wonderful first experience. it tastes just like toasted coconut flakes. the drink is thick, creamy almost, yet goes down smoothly. bits of coconut come with it - maybe i should have shaken this beforehand. guess i’m in for a mouthful of flakes towards the end. it’s sweet, refreshing, with subtle notes of coconut in the aftertaste. in other words, it doesn’t linger, leaving you refreshed and as far as I am concerned, happy. the body of the drink is, well… coconut, but you can tell there’s coconut water in it. the flavour is in no way over the top. a few mouthfuls later i discover the coconut - beautifully crispy, familiar in texture.

rating: 9/10, probably the highest rated drink on this blog (so far). i can’t believe I’m saying this, but i’ve really enjoyed a creamy coconut drink. perhaps it ties in with my love for coconut, i really am not sure. based on previous experience, weird gas station purchases are usually copies of other better known drinks or novelty potions, meant for impulse buyers like myself. this one’s been okay. it’s a dessert drink. it’s a chunky refresher to go with a meal. hell, i don’t even know what i’m talking about - this has been great.


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