august 2020

46°24’43.334”N 27°31’30.43”E

it was meant to be a casual weekend outing, but it exceeded all expectations. 

a good friend was kind of enough to accompany me on the hike. she even offered to drive us to where the trails began. It took us a few hours of driving on dark back country roads before we got where the air was heavy with the smell of fir tree. it must have been past midnight.

this isn’t a particularly challenging hike and you’d think that the trails would be devastated by tourism - oblivious campers littering and such. this wasn’t the case at all, surprisingly, given how mountaineering experienced sort of a revival once international travel was hamstrung by the pandemic.

sometimes i wish i’d recorded the rustling of grasses as we walked through the meadows. this one time, however, a digital copy just wouldn’t have done it justice.


august 2020

46°24’43.334”N 27°31’30.43”E

it was meant to be a casual weekend outing, but it exceeded all expectations. 

a good friend was kind of enough to accompany me on the hike. she even offered to drive us to where the trails began. It took us a few hours of driving on dark back country roads before we got where the air was heavy with the smell of fir tree. it must have been past midnight.

this isn’t a particularly challenging hike and you’d think that the trails would be devastated by tourism - oblivious campers littering and such. this wasn’t the case at all, surprisingly, given how mountaineering experienced sort of a revival once international travel was hamstrung by the pandemic.

sometimes i wish i’d recorded the rustling of grasses as we walked through the meadows. this one time, however, a digital copy just wouldn’t have done it justice.